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Nguyen, Bobbi

Email: bobbi.nguyen@spps.org

Phone: 651-293-8770 X44687

Qualifications: B.S. Elementary Education University of MN M.A. Curriculum and Instruction St. Cloud State University M.S. English as a Second Language University of St. Thomas

Ms. Nguyen

Xin Chào!
Welcome families and friends! My name is Ms. Bobbi Nguyen. This school year is my 5th year as an English Language (EL) teacher at HPE.  Additionally, I have taught for 27 years at 8 other schools, mainly as a classroom and an EL teacher.  Immediately after graduating from the University of Minnesota in 1991, I traveled to Asia and taught at international schools in Taiwan and my homeland of Vietnam.  After 5 years abroad, I returned to the United States and continued working as a classroom teacher.  In 2007, I received my Master's degree in ESL and became an EL teacher.  I enjoy working in this current position as I feel I can deliver more academic content to the students. Furthermore, working with students in a smaller group setting allows time to build stronger communities and relationships. 
The Multilingual Learning Services model at HPE is provided through collaboration between the general education teachers, EAs, and the MLL teachers. The bulk of our time as EL teachers is co-teaching and servicing students one-on-one or in small groups within the mainstream classrooms.  Students will be supported in a variety of strategies to gain academic language so they can be successful in their classes.
In my personal time, I enjoy working on home improvement, gardening/landscaping, flower arrangement, traveling, and self-improvement.  I also enjoy watching and playing a variety of sports, including American football, tennis, and table tennis.  Recently, I've been learning to play pickleball!
I value honest partnership communication. Please reach out anytime if you have questions or concerns. I look forward to a fruitful school year!