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Classroom Procedures

Welcome to Mrs. Clausen’s Third Grade!!




Arrival & Breakfast

School starts at 7:30 am. Building doors will open at 7:15 am. Please make sure your student arrives on time. If your child arrives after 7:30, please have them check in at the office before coming to class.   Free breakfast is served from 7:15-7:30 am. 



Our school day ends at 2:00 pm. If your child’s after school transportation plans change, we need a written note or email to communicate this change by 1:00 pm..  If we do not receive the change in writing, your child will be sent home their regular way. 



7:15-7:45 Breakfast/Morning Work Specialists:

7:45 Morning Meeting  

8:00-9:00 Reading  

9:00 Movement Break  

9:10-10:10 Math  

10:10-10:30 Skills  

LUNCH 10:35-11:05

RECESS 11:05-11:35

11:40-12:05 Math Review 

SPECIALIST 12:10-1:00

1:00-1:40 Writing/Inquiry 

1:40-1:50 Pack up & Snack 

1:50 Dismissal


Classroom Management & Planners

In 3rd grade, students will use a daily planner. We use the planner to communicate learning and behaviors. Please be sure to read and sign the planner every night (Mon – Fri) to let us know you’ve seen it! Your student will have a stamp if they had a great day. If I have written a note in your child’s planner concerning behavior, please know they had 2 warnings prior to fix their behavior before writing about it. Students need to bring their planner to school everyday.


Students will be writing in their planner every day about what they are learning. This is a great tool to use when you ask your student “what did you learn today?”  :)


Highland Park Elementary uses a proactive approach to creating a positive learning climate called PBIS. PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support) is a school-wide system of support that includes proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments.



  • Fosters respectful, supportive relationships among students and staff

  • Reinforces positive academic and social behavior

  • Provides an opportunity for positive student-teacher interactions. 


PYP Units of Inquiry

  • Who We Are: Citizenship and Government

  • How We Organize Ourselves: Economic Choices

  • How We Express Ourselves: Cultural Astronomy

  • Sharing the Planet: Endangered Species

  • Where We Are in Place & Time: Human Settlement

  • How the World Works: Earth Rocks



3rd graders will have a weekly homework packet. They will receive this every MONDAY and is due the following MONDAY. This homework reflects the skills we are currently working on in class. 3rd graders will also be required to read 20 minutes every night and record it in their weekly reading log, included in the packet.


Classroom Communications

Every week, I will be emailing our “3rd Grade Weekly News”. This will give you our schedule for the week, show our learning goals, and any important information you should be aware of.


Recess & Outside

We go outside for recess everyday from 11:05-11:35am, unless it is raining. Please make sure your student has appropriate shoes and outerwear for the weather. Once the weather turns colder and it starts to snow; boots, hats, mittens and snow pants should be worn. We will only stay inside during the winter if it’s below zero (0 degrees F).



3rd grade eats lunch at 10:35-11:05am.  Students will have a snack break every afternoon around 1:30 pm before going home.  Students need to supply their own snack.  Either they can bring a snack from home or can save an item from school breakfast. Please make sure they are healthy snacks; no chips, candy, cookies, or soda.


Water Bottles

Students are encouraged to have a water bottle in the classroom. It causes less disruption in their learning and work time if they are not leaving the classroom for drinks.  



Students are welcome to bring in a small treat to share with the class for their birthday. To be in accordance with St. Paul District policy, treats need to be store bought and individually packaged.  Please be respectful of students' learning time, and send a treat that can be easily served.