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Special Education

Saint Paul Public Schools
Special Education

When students believe that success is possible, they will try. So our first priority in any class is to help students believe in themselves and their ability to learn. We can guarantee students that they will have the best year ever if we ask three things of them and we do the rest: they show up every day, they come with the attitude that they can and will learn something and they try.  

The purpose of special education is to assist students with becoming responsible, contributing citizens. 

We believe….

  • All students are members of the educational community.
  • All students have the potential to learn and grow. 
  • All students should be respected, supported and educated with staff and resources to meet their needs. 
  • The curriculum incorporates all areas of lifelong learning. Curriculum encompasses diverse instruction for all learners.
  • All staff share responsibility in assuring that all students receive a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE).
  • Special education and community agencies promote students’ growth and development in collaboration among students, families and general education.
  •  Continuous improvement of services is dependent upon evaluations of systems, programs and student progress and the implementation of needed change.