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Physical Education

In Physical Education at Highland Park Elementary, we use the IB-PYP Approaches to Learning. We build Social Skills by practicing teamwork, good sportsmanship, helping one another, and being inclusive. We use Thinking Skills to understand the game rules, directions, and plan strategies. We practice Communication Skills - verbal & non verbal to be actively involved, to discuss strategies, and express ourselves. We regulate ourselves through Self-Management skills that help us control our bodies and move in safe, skillful ways as well as responsibly handle difficult situations. We use Research Skills to learn about the history and origin of the game and it's progression through history.


Our Physical Education program at HPE offers a wide variety of games, skills, challenges and sports. We want to foster and nurture a love of movement so students will be motivated to live an active lifestyle. Healthy bodies make healthy minds which will be profitable for our future locally and globally.

Ms. Russell

Email: peggy.russell@spps.org

Qualifications: B.S. Elementary Education: Wisconsin-River Falls

Teaching in SPPS since 1991.